You wanted to say...:

Carissa - 2003-06-05 01:22:25
I do agree.
torturette - 2003-06-05 02:31:47
True, people blame the consumers, but doesn't the whole capitalist socio-economic / political model depend on this greed, largely for unnecessary (and ultimately disappointing) consumer goods and actively encourage it? I think ideally, your average Joe should be able to expect their government to act responsibly, even dare I say to do some of their thinking for them, since the government is made aware of all the facts and all the arguments in a way that a single voter could not be. I think people in politics know this, but all too few people seem to be in politics for anything other than personal gain and rely on the public's ignorance to basically get away with pretty much anything. I blame people like the Bush administration for any lack of responsibility which ultimately damages the earth and makes it a worse place for ANYONE to live in, not just Americans, and not just now, but in the future. I blame politicians like Bush and Blair because they should and do know better. I don't blame the average dumb consumer any more than I blame the average German for the holocaust. The blame sits firmly with the policy makers.
Ravyne - 2003-06-05 09:20:21
Torturette, while I can see your point and to a degree agree with you, it is high time we "average joes" start taking responsibility for the world around us and realize that we are partially to blame. Shifting the blame from the "average joes" solely to the politicians will not solve our problems. We must begin to educate ourselves and start making choices for ourselves since it is obvious that the government is only out for profit. I think the "average joe" is far more capable of making decisions than you give them credit. Sure, we have been collectively dumbed-down here in America, but we can still learn if enough people are willing to take the time to educate us all. Some will learn and some will chose not to, of course, but we have to start somewhere or else our planet is lost.
jessica lovejoy - 2003-06-05 09:21:43
Well, I may not blame the average German for the Holocaust, but I sure as shit blame the SS men and the xenophobic mofos who allowed them to come to power by praying guessed it, fear, greed and selfishness. Same damn things Bush is using to dupe Ma & Pa Bible into giving up their clean air, water, etc. And, when Ma & Pa can't retire because SSecurity is gone, and can't take their retirement trip across America because America is all paved over, they've got only themselves to blame. Yr right that we should be able to trust politicians, but we also should have a world free of crime and poverty- It Aint Gonna Happen. Meanwhile, it's up to each of us to pay attention, and VOTE- esp. Vote with our WALLET.
FOXPhotog - 2003-06-05 13:28:58
Just a crosspost from my diary so you get my message:FP Ravyne, I do not operate on your or anyone else's schedule. I'll email him when I get a chance, but there are other things far more important. For me, this is a hobby, not my existance. Next time keep your chiding in check until you have the facts straight. Then again, facts don't really seem to permeate you consciousness.
Ravyne - 2003-06-05 13:38:00
Oh poor Foxphotog, so gungho for the challenge a few days ago but now that the other party is willing and ready, it is at your leisure. Typical of a repugcon - all mouth, no action.
Pandionna - 2003-06-05 13:59:55
When it comes to the environment, I think that if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. We all consume. We all pollute. But it's on each individual to do the minimum amount of damage possible. For me, that means public transit, lots of recycling, buying organic whenever possible, nagging my husband to turn of the lights when he leaves a room, waiting until there's a sizable chunk of laundry instead of doing itty bitty loads, turning off the water while brushing my teeth--things from big to small. It also means not having a house built for me, but buying an old one already in a built area, instead of contributing to sprawl. We have one car that gets 35/50, and despite diesel's bad reputation, mile for mile, we put out less pollution than a regular car because we burn less gas, and less pollution at the point of manufacture because the gas is not as refined. It's looking at every aspect of your life and thinking, "what can I do here, to help?" Not to sound high and mighty, but yeah, not enough people do that. I look at the lemmings backed up on 95 each day because they are too selfish to carpool, and I think: It all comes back to you. I'll be home and relaxed while you are still baking your ass off on your commute. Still, they are choking the planet. And, I think the greatest thing anyone can do for the planet is not breed exponentially. Whew. That was long...
mostlydead - 2003-06-05 18:34:46
I appreciate your writing for content and for style... sadly, I used to care about the world and the things you write about... I marched (and broke laws) in protests, lived a healthy, naturally ethical life, and felt obligated and empowered to actively speak out and do things to change the world... that feelings comes over me less and less now... keep on...
Destiny-NOLA - 2003-06-06 14:10:13
Do you have any views on the Illuminati? Check your email for a forward I received about Pres. Bush. How can I make a page like this one for my entries - could you forward directions and codes (can anyone write here or just members?)
Chucklehead - 2003-06-07 01:39:39
Concur with your latest.

so tell me...:

who are you?:
where can I email you?:
do you have a URL to share?:

Ahhhh...thanks, I needed that!

back to the entry - Diaryland