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Raziela - 2003-05-12 06:11:12
Hi there! I found your awesome diary when clicking on one of your banners. Your entries are fabulous, you are a great writer. I really like the way you critizise the actions of Bush and the others. I myself do not live in the US (no wonder that my English is the worst), but I know when something is wrong. Please keep bringing the light of truth forward. =) -Sincerely, Raziela P.S. If it's OK with you, may I add your diary to my list? Thanks for taking your time with reading this note. :)
aleta - 2003-05-12 14:50:30
I agree. Any idea on HOW we can demand accountability??
kristina - 2003-05-12 16:53:12
once again, incredible writing. finally i'm reading something that echoes the way i've been feeling for quite some time now... every entry i read is great!! :)
[email protected] - 2003-05-13 10:38:20
You are a talented writer, however your views are slightly skewed. Imagine aimlessly wondering around a large backyard in search of a needle. This would be a very difficult task, which would take lots of time. Iraq is a huge backyard, and regardless of what intelligence we had before the war started these weapons could�ve been moved at the last minute. Or ever worse they could be kept right at Saddam�s side right now. I really think that patience is key here. Furthermore, Saddam and his regimen are evil and I think anyone would agree. The US is the worlds strongest power it was well within its rights to do something about the inhumane things going on over there...Granted the reaction of the people over there isn't important due to the fact they're like a herd of sheep they'll cheer and follow whoever has a little food in their hand. The little pieces of shit aren't even happy with the billions we've given them so far, they already want more...They want more and more money that we could be using to help out our own industries, and our own poor people that's what you're thinking right? Well I don't think anyone will know for sure but all that oil over there I�m sure will be making the US a healthy profit. (Gasp) I'm sure you're appalled at taking their oil for ourselves...let's look back at history and review what has happened for hundreds of years and was conquer a land you take what you want...the only difference is now we rebuild too..there's no reason that I see why we shouldn't be able to take the oil they have no use for it..we give them a little food take a lot of oil...while we're talking about history, every war in history has been opposed by the US's history based on polls which are more accurate now than ever this is the war with the least opposition of them all. I also believe that this thing with North Korea would have escalated to a point beyond return if we hadn�t acted against Saddam. Here are some facts you may or may not be aware of. 1. Saddam put a price on our president�s head. 2. He murdered thousands of his own people in a genocidal fashion. (similar to Hitler only on a slightly smaller scale) 3. He did not destroy all of his missiles with a range of over 150km like you previously stated and he also had more than a few 4. They�ve found several documents proving two or more meetings took place between Saddam and Osama. (at these meeting their mutual hate of the US was discussed) 5. Saddam had been in violation of the terms set up when dessert storm was over for almost ten years. Your points are logical and that�s why I haven�t slammed you like so many of the other anti war protesters should be slammed for their lack of knowledge. Perhaps this has somewhat enlightened you. I can also advice you if you�re interested in making a difference and share the same yearning of peace that I think most of us do. You should highly consider joining the Peace Corps. You can help educate other countries about the US and give them reasons to like us rather than reasons to hate us. By doing something like this you could be preventing another war such as this one. Thank you for taking the time to read my response please feel free to respond to me by e-mail whenever you like [email protected] Thank you
Stuntman - 2003-05-13 15:28:45
Excellent work. Some truly thoughtful and good-spirited ideas you present. I Imagine you might get some very hateful responses to posts like the ones you write here. I noticed a really long one that smacks of the specious "ends justify the means" philosophy you warn against. Keep on working it, though. There are many good people who need to see and hear what you have to say.
welby - 2003-05-13 20:16:37
IF (note the big letters) weapons of mass destruction are found, what then?
EqualTime - 2003-05-14 13:38:17
The Iraqi gov't has had 12+ years, not to mention willing accomplices in other nations, to hide and or destroy evidence of WMD. They (Iraqi) have not shown any record of recent destruction of stockpiles nor have they sufficiently proven to the UN that all of their WMD's are gone. It is going to take months if not years to find any WMD's. If truth is what you REALLY seek, logic demands that they be given the time to search. As of today they have been searching less than 3 months. 11 years and 9 months to go. Be patient...
amy-poetica - 2003-05-15 03:19:18
I'd just like to say that Crashintin's response here makes me sick.

so tell me...:

who are you?:
where can I email you?:
do you have a URL to share?:

Ahhhh...thanks, I needed that!

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