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Tahm the Lame - 2003-05-03 09:52:09
I'm sorry, but I just have to comment on this. This is one of the most ridiculous accusations I've heard in a long time. Not the most, but one of the most. And it's also a perfect example of things I hate about a lot of other Christians. (Keep in mind, I am a Christian, too.) First of all, the emphasis on oil in the scripture. Are we now going to go crazy anytime oil is somewhat related to Bush? At all? Even if it's as big of a stretch as this reference is? They used oil for annointing in those days. Oil that is not crude oil. Oil that is not black and bubbles out of the ground. No connection whatsoever. Think before you speak. Also, take a look at who is really speaking in the Isaiah text. Is it Jesus? The words aren't underlined or in red in my Bible, folks. That's Isaiah talking. And if Jesus did apply them to Himself, good for Him. That's because He was cool like that. But just because He used a Scripture, does that mean that we're forbidden from ever using the same thing ever again? I don't recall any comment saying "Thou shalt not quote the same Scripture as I once did"... If this is so, then every preacher would be condemned at one point or another. And finally, in the plea for other "Christians" to be freaking out about this as well...perhaps we should take a look at who the "nut-jobs" really are, eh? ~Tahm the Lame Colossians 3:17 - "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."
blackchiffon - 2003-05-03 14:07:10
That is disturbing. I'm inclined to agree with you that this is definately cause to freak out! I'm not a nut job, but I don't think that our president who has set into action so many deaths really has the right to compare himself to Christ... wait, none of us do.
Ris - 2003-05-03 19:34:47
I must admit, I don't know the bible from my elbow, but that is freaky. But then again, did we really need a prophecy to tell us that he's evil incarnate? I checked out the DU boards-- good dialog going on in most of the threads.
ladybug123 - 2003-05-03 20:51:05
As to Bush being the Anti-Christ, I doubt it. There are many prophecies about him in the Bible, and I don't think that Bush fits the description. As to the scripture reference, I don't think he realized what it implied. Plus, as Christians we need not fear the anti-Christ, whoever he may be (whether alive now or still to come). May I point out, as well, that there have been many people who have just outwardly claimed to be Christ, so why many such a big deal out of this little scripture reference and get all scared about it? Well, I'm just throwing in my two cents' worth. God bless! In Him, ladybug123
south-reject - 2003-05-03 22:52:21
this is kinda freaky. i mean, if this is the anti-christ,or a prophet saying he's on his way, that means that GOD is ready to take the true believers and put the ones who are left behind through hell, and i'm feakin out because what if it all if true and we get left? i'm sorry, but i don't want to be here when he does, and i don't want to go through everything that's going to happen...
xgayatilwenx - 2003-05-03 22:58:22
Ok, i clicked on a banner and was sent to the entry that sent the rest of us here. Well, i do not like Bush. I dislike him very much. I'm also an atheist. I think that this is pure, grade A bullshit. George Bush is messing with the separation between Church and state and he acts like 'God' himself. Besides, the anti-christ is a friend of mine :). Ask him yourself.

Just stop flipping out people. Its actually not that big of a deal. Really.
xgayatilwenx - 2003-05-03 22:58:58
Ok, i clicked on a banner and was sent to the entry that sent the rest of us here. Well, i do not like Bush. I dislike him very much. I'm also an atheist. I think that this is pure, grade A bullshit. George Bush is messing with the separation between Church and state and he acts like 'God' himself. Besides, the anti-christ is a friend of mine :). Ask him yourself.

Just stop flipping out people. Its actually not that big of a deal. Really.
Debra - 2003-05-03 23:07:18
Maybe not THE antichrist, but certainly one of them...Perhaps Bush is operating blindly, as a puppet, in the same way that Reagan did. But I doubt it. Gee, you sure are getting a lot of flack here. Ah well, we all have a right to our opinion. Don't ever stop expressing your opinion-I would want to read it, even if I disagreed. Which, as you know, I do NOT.
jessica lovejoy - 2003-05-03 23:27:05
What really matters is that HE thinks that way (not the anti-x bit, of course) And, the "oil" thing aside (it's irrelevant) it's ridiculous for a President to be an aphocryphal nutcase, as Bush is. HE thinks we're at the end times, as do all his born-again halo-hooper associates. Not Dicky- he & KRove worship & sacrifice to a large, golden goat-god.
Tahm the Lame - 2003-05-04 00:50:28
I heard Karl Rove speak. You're more likely to worship a goat-god than that man. Show me the quotation where Bush says we're in the end times and I'll believe it. Until then, I'll maintain that you're all being boys crying wolf without really knowing what a wolf is in the first place.
Colonel Sanders - 2003-05-04 01:02:41
If you are truly secure in your salvation, then where is the reason to freak out?
Justin - 2003-05-04 20:29:43
I mildly agree with Tahm that it's silly to cry "Anti-Christ" at the drop of a hat. However, I have to admit the correlation is intriguing. Especially since I've seen people who _worship_ Bush, like Darryl Worley and his fans. Man, I thought Walt Whitman had a disgusting presidential fetish until I heard Worley. At least Whitman was creative though.

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